"Don't text and drive!" The Underlined word mean ..... a.Send a text message to someone b.Get a text message from someone c. Receive a text message from someone d.Show a text message to someone
1. "Don't text and drive!" The Underlined word mean ..... a.Send a text message to someone b.Get a text message from someone c. Receive a text message from someone d.Show a text message to someone
The underlined word mean "don't text when you're driving." Looking at the answers here, I don't think they match your question.don't text and drive, artinya jgn mengetik dan menyetirlah.
dilihat dr multiple choice-nya, tdk ada jawaban yg tepat.
yg tepat bila: don't send a text message to someone.
2. terjemahan dari mrs diana writes the message to mrs emily to
bu diana menulis pesan kepada bu emily
Maybe you mean " Mrs. Diana writes the message to Mrs. Emily too "
Artinya Bu Diana menuliskan pesan itu untuk Bu Emily juga
3. make a simple text belong to short message!
Hi, Ratna
How are you? We were assigned as team project in Biology Class. It was final assignment before exam on next Monday. Hope you recover soon.
Your teammates.
- Dina
4. Tolong dibantu jawab kkJawab No 1,2,3Dan Analisa jenis teksnya apa (contoh short message) berdasarkan soal text serta Tujuan text ( Contoh = To give information, to ask something, to apologize,to remind).
1. A. To ask students to attend the Independence Day Ceremony
2. A. Pay attention to the notice
3. A. Obligatory
Kind of text (Jenis teks) : Announcement text
Purpose of text (Tujuan teks) : To inform and ask all the students to attend the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony.
Pembahasan :Announcement Text (teks pengumuman) adalah teks yang berisi informasi mengenai suatu acara yang akan berlangsung. Biasanya dalam Announcement Text terdapat unsur 5W+1H(What,Who,Where,When,Why,How).
Acara apa yang akan diselenggarakan, dimana acara tersebut diselenggarakan, kapan acara tersebut diselenggarakan, siapa yang terlibat dalam acara tersebut, mengapa acara tersebut diselenggarakan, dan bagaimana prosesnya.
Selanjutnya kita akan membahas maksud soal dan terjemahan jawaban.
Soal nomor 1 menanyakan tujuan pemberitahuan tersebut dan alasannya. Tujuan : Meminta semua murid untuk menghadiri upacara Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia. Soal nomor 2 menanyakan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh semua murid dengan pemberitahuan itu. Yang harus dilakukan : Memberi perhatian pada pemberitahuan itu. Soal nomor 3 menanyakan sinonim dari kata “required” yang artinya adalah “diperlukan”. Sinonim : obligatory.Kesimpulan :Announcement Text adalah teks yang berisi informasi mengenai acara yang akan berlangsung. Announcement text memiliki unsur 5W+1H. Tujuannya adalah menginformasikansuatu acara kepada orang/pembaca.
Pelajari lebih lanjut :Pembahasan lebih lanjut mengenai Announcement Text :https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12515199
Generic structure of Announcement Texthttps://brainly.co.id/tugas/26555406
Soal Announcement Text dan pembahasannya :https://brainly.co.id/tugas/22052385
Detail jawaban :Kelas : 9
Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Bab : 11 - Understanding the context (from the song/ text)
Kode soal : 5
Kode kategorisasi : 9.5.11
Kata kunci : Announcement text,pengumuman,contoh soal
5. ken ..... (write) a text message
Jawabannya : WROTE
Karena itu past tenses. Moga membantuuuuu
6. Complete the following conversation.Puspita: .............,Nora. This is Sofia. Sofia, this is Nora. Nora: Nice to meet you, Sofia. Sofia: Nice to meet you too, Nora. tlong di jawab yaa
Hi sofia this my friend (halo sofia ini temanku),nora
7. short message isa. a text which is used to entertain readersb. a text which is used to call readersc. a text which is used to convery informationd. a text which is used to give solution
D. a text which is used to cenvery information
maaf kalau salah jawaban nya ya kak
D.a text which is used to give solution
A short message is a brief text message sent to or from a mobile phone subscriber through the Short Message Service (SMS).
maaf jika salah
8. susunlah kata dibawah ini, you could show me text how to send message cell phone through
could you show me how to send message text through phonecould you show me how to send text message through cell phone
9. text bad news short message
I'm not going to be there, my sister just got sick and is in the hospital right now
10. short message text dan soal 5
tunggu ada lagi ya,tpi short message nya ada 3
11. text structure of short message
-short (media: paper, hp)
-receiver. message, sender
Dear Juan
Your dad and I are going to your grandma’s home. We will be there for two days because your grandma is sick and she needs to be looked after. So take care of yourself at home. Don’t forget to eat and wash your clothes. Take your money that I put under book on the table in living room.
Your mom
Untuk Juan
Ibu dan ayah sedang pergi ke rumah nenek. Kami akan berada di sana selama dua hari karena nenkmu sakit dan dia butuh dirawat. Jadi jaga dirimu baik-baik di rumah. Jangan lupa makan dan mencuci baju. Uang mu ibu selipkan di bawah buku di meja ruang keluarga.
12. complete the following conversationpuspita: ..........., Nara. This is Sofia. Sofia, this is Nara.Nara : Nice to meet you, SofiaSofia : Nice to meet you too, Nara.
puspita: hi nara
maaf kalo salah
13. contoh example text short message
to : edward
edward don't forget our soccer competition tomorrow at 8 am
LeonardTo : Rinni
Don't forget about the concert tomorrow night at 19.30.
14. Read the message from your friend, Sofia,Hi,I'm thinking of joining a skill class for this coming school holidays. I am interested incooking, baking and music but I don't know which one to choose. Which class shouldjoin?Please give me your opinions.SofiaIn about 80 words, write a message to Sofia giving some advice.
Hi, Sofia!
It's so cool that you want to join a skill class during the holiday. You can be really productive during that period of time. Hmm.. I think you should join the baking class. Do you remember the last time we discussed about hobbies? You said that you love baking, especially baking cookies! You can sell your cookies or pastries too (or maybe you can enjoy it by yourself!) In my opinion, you should join the class that suits your hobby so you can enjoy it more.
Hi, Sofia!
It's so cool that you want to join a skill class during the holiday. You can be really productive during that period of time. Hmm.. I think you should join the baking class. Do you remember the last time we discussed about hobbies? You said that you love baking, especially baking cookies! You can sell your cookies or pastries too (or maybe you can enjoy it by yourself!) In my opinion, you should join the class that suits your hobby so you can enjoy it more.
Semoga membantu ya. Kalau ada kesalahan jangan lupa kasi tau yaa akan kuperbaiki, terima kasih! (•̀ᴗ•́)و
15. 6. In Narrative text, we may learn the message of the text. So, What is "message" of the text?
тнe мeѕѕage ιn narraтιve тeхт ιѕ тнe мoral oғ тнe ѕтory.
yoυ can geт тнe мoral oғ тнe ѕтory вy oвѕervιng тнe proвleм and тнe negaтιve тнιngѕ нappend ιn тнe ѕтory, and pιcĸ poѕιтιve тнιngѕ yoυ can learn accordιng тo тнe ѕтory.
16. Carilah macam-macam short functional text message!
-Shoping list
-Greeting card
-Short Message
Sekian yg aku tau...
17. Why did ana send the message?
Artinya :
Kenapa Ana mengirim surat?
18. yang dimaksud unsent letters itu apa ya?
Frase 'unsent letters' merupakan frase yang sudah jarang ditemui dalam percakapan sehari-hari, kecuali dalam konteks tertentu. Hal ini disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa 'letters' atau surat bukan lagi media komunikasi jarak jauh utama di kehidupan modern yang serba daring ini. Email tentunya menjadi pilihan yang lebih utama jika menyangkut surat-surat formal dan di media sosial.
Dalam penerjemahan dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia, ada hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan seperti:
konteks pilihan kata yang tepatUntuk itu, penerjemahan kata per kata tidak dianjurkan karena berpotensi membingungkan para penutur bahasa aslinya.
Frase 'unsent letters' dapat menjadi contoh sederhana. Secara umum, kata itu tidak terlalu sulit untuk diterjemahkan.
Kata 'unsent' berarti tidak terkirim
Kata 'letters' berarti surat-surat.
Dalam konteks bahasa Inggris, frase yang terdiri dari kata sifat dan benda polanya adalah MD atau 'menerangkan diterangkan'. Sementara dalam bahasa Indonesia, polanya adalah DM atau 'diterangkan menerangkan'. Sehingga kata 'unsent letters' berarti 'surat-surat yang tidak terkirim', bukan 'tidak terkirim surat-surat'. Frase yang kedua tentunya membingungkan para penutur bahasa Indonesia.
Pelajari lebih lanjut:
Materi tentang translation
Detail jawaban:
Kelas: SMA
Mapel: English
Kategori: translation
Kode: -
19. Sofia will go to school. She says....to her
Kalo ga salah ya
20. perbedaan text, message, dan letter
persamaan:sama sama berisi suatu kebenaran tertentu atau terdapat amanat yg bersifat (informasi)
perbedaan: tidak berisi lelucon /humor
maaf kalo salah :)
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