create designs for invitation and greeting cards
1. create designs for invitation and greeting cards
➖Happy birthday
happy birthday
2. lebih bagus mana ? brainly for windows atau brainly for android?
kalau bagi aku sih brainly for windows.
supaya layar nya lebih besar
branily for android
hp aku merek androd
3. They kill crocodiles for their skin. The passive for the sentence is ...ACrocodiles were killed by them for their skinBCrocodiles is killed by them for their skinCCrocodiles are killed by them for their skinDCrocodiles was killed by them for their skin
~ pαssιve voιce ~
Answer:C.Crocodiles are killed by them for their skin
~ Introduction ~.
Halo! Membicarakan passive form atau kalimat memiliki format pasif terkadang disebutpassive voice merupakan suatu kalimat menyatakan subyek merupakan pemeran utama yang melakukan sesuatu terhadap obyek. Saat kita merubahnya ke dalam pasif, langkah pertama yaitu perhatikan tense-nya.
Kemudian, untuk merubahnya, dapat diperhatikan ciri-ciri kalimat pasif berikut.
verba diubah ke dalam bentuk past participlesaling menukarkan posisi subyek dengan obyekadanya kata yang mendukung bentuk pasif seperti by dan be-verbDiscussion:Mari perhatikan pernyataan dari
» They (S) kill (V1) crocodiles (O) for their skin (C).
Kata yang digarisbawahi membuktikan kalimat di atas merupakan bentuk simple present tense—yaitu menunjukkan pekerjaan yang dilakukan di masa kini—berpola:S + V1(-s/es) + O + C-s/es berlaku pada subyek:
he, she, it, name, objectUntuk merubahnya:
pindahkan posisi S menjadi O sedangkan O menjadi Smasukkan to be setelah obyek kemudian nyatakan S diperlakukan oleh O dengan by setelah Snyatakan verba dalam bentuk past participle (V3)O + to be (is/am/are) + V3 + by — S + Cis/am/are merupakan to be untuk present tense dengan menggunakannya, memilih salah satunya—ditinjau dari obyeknya.
is: he, she, it, name, objectam: Iare:you, they, we, names, objectPerhatikan bahwa crocodiles adalah benda jamakatau crocodile (buaya)-nya lebih dari satu merupakan objects, menggunakan are bukan is.
Kalimat pasifnya adalah:
O: crocodilesto be: areV3: killedby — S: by themC: for their skin—> jawabannya: c.
dalam kalimat pasif:
by + subject dapat disembunyikan/tidak dimasukkan ke dalam kalimatnyasubjective pronoun akan berubah menjadi objective sebaliknya pun bila objective pronoun menjadi subjective~Thank you and hope this answer can help you.
Have a nice day!~
4. Create a short dialog to ask for and provide information about time
Ask for information about time :
Bob : What time is it?
Jae : It’s a quarter to five.
Bob : Aren’t we supposed to be at Brian’s house by five o’clock?
Jae : Five or five-thirty. He said it didn’t make any difference.
Bob : Then maybe we could pick your book at the school.
Jae : Sure, we have plenty of time.
Provide information about time :
Dowoon : We’d like two tickets for the 3:30 show, please.
Ticket Sales : Here you go. Enjoy the movie!
[Inside the theater]
Dowoon : Would you mind moving over one, so my friend and I can sit together?
Wyne : No, not at all.
Dowoon: Thanks a lot!
5. Create Suitable Caption for this Picture
This is such a great picture of nature scenery. There are big trees, bushes, green grasses, a small road, and a beautiful bridge. There are so many leaves on the tree and the bushes. This picture is very pretty and unique. I really want to go to the place where this picture is taken.
6. create a short dialog to ask for and provide information about time
Traveler: Excuse me Sir, sorry to bother you
Villager: Yes, how may I help you?
Traveler: Do you know what time is it? I left my watch at the hotel and I have no idea about the time.
Villager: It’s quarter past one right now.
Traveler: Thank you so much.
Villager: You're welcome.
Pelancong: Permisi Pak, maaf mengganggu
Warga desa: Ya, ada yg bisa saya bantu?
Pelancong: Sekarang jam berapa ya Pak? Jam tangan saya ketinggalan di hotel dan saya ga tau skrg jam brp.
Warga desa: Sekarang jam satu lewat lima belas menit.
Pelancong: Terimakasih banyak Pak.
Warga desa: Sama-sama
7. 1.what is the part of body for chEw2.what are hands for?3.what is skin for?
1 mouth hold something
3. to cover the body
1.apa bagian tubuh untuk mengunyah?
2. untuk apa tangan?
3. untuk apa kulit?
8. bagaimana cara mengirim email lewat yahoo mail for android?
download dulu yahoo di app store baru ada tanda baru gunanya untuk mengirim pesandibagian pojok kanan atas ada gambar kertas dan pensil, pilih disitu.
9. Android meresmikan OS terbaru yaitu "N" for Nougat, Next "O" for ?
karena penamaan OS selalu berdasarkan nama makanan ringan, maka menurutku OS Android "O" akan bernama Oreo.
10. Rearrange the jumbled words below. Number 1 has been done for you. 1. good-, -is-for- our - skin tomato Tomato is good for our skin. carrot-good-is. . - for - eyes our - 2. 3. bones - for-is-, -good-fish- our 4, for - is - oranges. , - our - stamina - good Lesson 9 73
1. tomato is good for our skin.
2. Carrot is good for our eyes.
3. Fish is good for our bones.
4. oranges is good for our stamina.
2.Carrot is good for our eyes.
3.Fish is good for our bones.
4.Oranges is good for our stamina.
semoga bermanfaat ;)
11. create phrases for accepting and rejecting suggestion by matching the beginnings and endings together
Jawaban :
Regina: I think I’ve gained weight because my favorite jeans don’t fit me anymore. What do you think I should do? (Sepertinya berat badanku bertambah karena celana jean kesukaanku tidak muat lagi. Menurutmu apa yang harus aku lakukan?)
Cady: I think you should take some exercise. (Menurutku kamu harus berolahraga)
Regina: What kind of exercise do you think is the best to lose weight? (Menurutmu olahraga macam apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan?)
Cady: I don’t know about that. How about asking my sister? She’s an athlete, so she maybe knows what exercise that is the best to lose weight. (Aku tidak tahu mengenai itu. Bagaimana jika bertanya kepada saudariku saja? Dia adalah seorang atlet, jadi mungkin dia tahu olahraga apa yang terbaik untuk menurunkan berat badan)
Regina: That’s a great idea. Let’s ask your sister. (Itu ide yang bagus. Mari kita tanya saudarimu)
semoga membantu:)
12. What should the speaker master for speaking?
The speaker should master intonation, pronounciation and vocabularies.
13. sebutkan 3 contoh bangun datar segi banyak beraturan dan segi banyak tak beraturanFonts for Android and iPhone -
segi banyak beraturan
1. persegi
2. segitiga sama sisi
3. segi lima beraturan
segi banyak tidak beraturan
1. segitiga sama kaki
2. jajar genjang
3. persegi panjang
segi banyak beraturan adalah bangun datar yang mempunyai banyak segi , sisinya sama panjang, besar sudutnya sama besar dan sisinya tidak berupa garis lengkung.
segi banyak tak beraturan adalah bangun datar yang mempunyai banyak segi tidak beraturan panjang sisi dan besar sudutnya tidak sama dan jumlahnya lebih dari tiga segi.
maaf kalo salah..... gomennasai >_<
14. aku download brainly for iOS tapi kenapa jadi bahasa inggris yaa?
coba aja di settingan ato ga di unistall trs install lg (?) maaf klo ga ngebantu :")
15. you got'a grade for mathematic and Science lessson. your parents give you reward for it.create your dialogue based on the situation below
parents : congratulation for a good grade in mathematic and science, we are so proud of you.
student : thank you, i was study hard to get it.
parents : we have a discussion earlier and we decide that we will give you a reward for it, so will buy you a backpack and a pair of shoes, haw is that sound?
student : yeay it is sounds amazing, thanks mom and dad for the reward.
16. create formal and informal invitations for the following graduation party!
i would like to invite you on my graduation party
place : ACC Dayan Dawood
when : at 09 am ,july 5th,2014
wish you can attend to my graduation party.
without you the graduation party will different
17. create an invitation for osis working meeting
membuat sebuah undangan untuk rapat kerja osisini di suruh ngartiin atau apa?
18. chameleon_______the color of its skin for
How chameleon chance the color of its skin?Chameleon changes the color of its skin
19. Create formal and informal invitations for the following baseball game
Buat undangan formal dan informal untuk pertandingan bisbol berikut
20. In pairs, create dialogue expressing asking for information and offering help to your mom that has been cooking for breakfast..
Secara berpasangan, buat dialog mengungkapkan permintaan informasi dan menawarkan bantuan kepada ibu Anda yang telah memasak untuk sarapan ..
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