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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Jojo Sono Chi No Kioku End Of The World English Lyrics

Jojo Sono Chi No Kioku End Of The World English Lyrics

Sono chi no sadame... Jooooooooojo

1. Sono chi no sadame... Jooooooooojo


ni anak pasti wibu autid:v

2. the song "the end of the world"

Jawaban nya adalah (kehancuran dunia)

3. apa pesan dari lagu the end of the world?

Angkatan / generasi yang lebih tua dari generasi sekarang sadar bahwa angkatan mereka tuh banyak melakukan kesalahan (perang, etc)
Melalui lirik-liriknya, white lion mencoba menjelaskan supaya kita, angkatan / generasi berikutnya bisa mengerti dan memaafkan kesalahan mereka. Mereka juga mengingatkan kita untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal yang sama atau bahkan lebih buruk. Mereka juga bahkan meminta kita untuk memperbaiki kesalahan yang belum bisa mereka perbaiki pada masa mereka.

semoga membantu ^_^

4. what is the lyricist intention of writing the lyrics of the song(heal the world Michael Jackson)mohon di jawab kaka²​


izin membantu yaa

the meaning of the song "heal the world"

By Michael jackson is anyone can make change to make this world a better place for all humans, including those who are unfortunate

(makna dari lagu ini adalah siapa saja dapat mengubah dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik untuk semua orang, termasuk mereka yang kurang beruntung)


Lagu Heal The World bercerita tentang Michael Jackson yang ingin mengajak kita semua sebagai manusia untuk berbuat baik kepada sesama manusia, makhluk hidup lainnya yang ada di bumi, dan bumi itu sendiri

semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah

5. By the end of the summer he (teach) us to speak english.


By the end of the summer he hastaught us to speak english.

6. Lagu the end of world by skeeter davis menggunakan sudut pandang....!Jelaskan​





Why does the sun go on shining?

Why does the sea rush to shore?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

'Cause you don't love me any more

Why do the birds go on singing?

Why do the stars glow above?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when I lost your love

I wake-up in the morning, and I wonder

Why everything's the same as it was

I can't understand, no, I can't understand

How life goes on the way it does

Why does my heart go on beating?

Why do these eyes of mine cry?

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when you said, "Good-bye"

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm

(Why do these eyes of mine cry?)

Mmm, mmm, mmm

Don't they know it's the end of the world?

It ended when you said, "Good-bye"

7. Write the lyrics of the song Indonesia Raya in English​


Indonesia My Homeland, the Land of My Blood Shed, There I Stand, Be Guide My Mother, Indonesia My Nationality, Nation and Homeland, Let Us Cry, United Indonesia. Long live my land, live my country, my people, my people, everyone, wake up their souls, build their bodies, for Indonesia Raya.


sory kalo ada yang salah


Indonesia, my native land

The land where I shed my blood

Right there, I stand

To be the guide of my motherland

Indonesia, my nationality

My nation and my homeland

Let us exclaim

“Indonesia unite!”

Long live my land, long live my state

My nation, my people, entirely

Build its soul, build its body

For Great Indonesia


Great Indonesia, independent & free!

My land, my country which I love

Great Indonesia, independent & free!

Long live Indonesia the Great!

Great Indonesia, independent & free!

My land, my country which I love

Great Indonesia, independent & free!

Long live Indonesia the Great!

smoga membantu ^^

8. By the end of this years I............. English for six years


By the end of this year I learnedEnglish for six years


jadiin jawaban terbaik ya makasih

terjemahan :

Pada akhir tahun ini saya............. Bahasa Inggris selama enam tahun

jawaban :


9. isi tentang apa dalam lagu the end of the world


Isinya tentang akhir dunia.



Bintangnya dong kakk :))))

10. What message can we learn from thelyrics of the song (Heal the world)? *​


The song "Heal the World" tells the story of one's good hopes, to bring about a peaceful and happy life change in our lives. So, if there are already many good people, then the world we live in will also turn out well in the future.


everybody has another side of themselves which reside on the core of heart where it called love

11. if you have to change the lyrics of “heal the world”, which lyrics would you change?


make a better place for you and for me - ganti ke - make a better place for us


12. the appearance of the Mahdi priest is the sign of the world going to end?

penampilan imam mahdi adalah tanda dari dunia akan berakhir?

13. the world-give-up-not-the end-is-don't-failure-of susunlah kalimat tersebut dengan benar​

failure is not the end of the world, don't give up

kegagalan bukan akhir dunia, jangan menyerah


bisa juga

dont give up, failure is not the end of world

14. What are the languge features used in the lyrics of the song the answer by using english

Jawaban: dibaca,dimengerti,terimakasih


The features of women's language are the tendency of women to use the language put forward by Robin Lakoff in 1975 in the 'Women language' theory. The purpose of this study was to identify the features of female language in song lyrics created by three American female singers put forward by Robin Lakoff (1975) in the 'women language' theory. The author follows three stages of research, namely data collection, data analysis and presentation of data results. The research data was obtained from a collection of song lyrics by three female creators and singers America, namely Adele, Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift. Data were analyzed using the theory put forward by Robin Lakoff (1975) about the features of female language. Of the 15 song lyrics analyzed, the authors found 5 features of female language, namely the use of hedges, intensifiers, superpolite forms, tag questions and words that are related to specific interests. The author identifies 35 data from 5 female language features found. The use of hedges and intensifiers is the most dominant. This research shows that the study of female language forms 40 years ago is still relevant to the use of female language in song lyrics by American female singers today. Keywords: gender, female language features, song lyrics

15. apa pesan dari lagu the end of the world?

Itu ceritanya ada seorang wanita yang hidupnya hancur / kiamat saat ia mengetahui prianya sudah tidak mencintainya.
Pesanya adalah supaya kita setia mencintai pasangan kita selamanya dan jangan pergi bersama orang lain.

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^bercerita tentang seseorang yang merasa dunianya telah hancur seperti kiamat ketika ia ditinggalkan oleh seseorang yang sangat dikasihinya,

pesan yang dapat diambil  yaitu: kita boleh bersedih saat seseorang yang kita kasihi meninggalkan kita, tetapi kita tidak boleh larut dalam kesedihan itu,kita harus bangkit untuk melawan kesedihan tersebut karena kehidupan didunia ini masih berjalan,belum berakhir.

16. How many years separate the end of World War II (1945 AD) and the end of the Persian War (449 BC)?


war 85 ad Jul ..............tans

17. Apa jawaban soal lagu the end of the world skeeter davis

yang di maksud jawaban apa ya?,arti lagunya kah
kalok arti lagunya lagu the end of the world skeeter Davis menceritakan gimana akhir dari karir seseorang

18. Bahasa indonesianya Attack On Titan End Of The World

Bahasa Indonesia dari "Attack On Titan End Of The World" adalah: "Serangan Terhadap Titan Akhir Dari Dunia"serangan pada titan di akhir dunia

19. paraghrase of lyrics using your word "song Heal The World"​


Think about um, the generations

And ah, say we want to make it a better place for our children

And our children's children so that they, they

They, they know it's a better world for them

And think if they can make it a better place)

There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love

And this place it was brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cry

In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space

Make a better place

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me, and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why

There's love that…


Ini Lyric nya jadikan yang Terbaik:)

jangan lupa follow ya:)

20. lagunya the end of the worldtlngin dong​


a. The song is about a broken-hearted person

b. It blown off by the wind

c. It just how the way they speak

d. Because they are extremely hot like the sun

e. Because you still alive

f. Because no matter how broken-hearted you are, the world must be go on and on, they are already been like that even before your heart is broken


Mohon maaf klo salah, sya agak bingung, ini mau membahas kejadian alam sekitar apa tentang patah hati sich yg bikin Soalnya? #tepok jidat

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