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Friday, September 30, 2022

Levante Vs Real Sociedad Prediction

Levante Vs Real Sociedad Prediction

prediksi skor Chelsea vs real Madrid​

1. prediksi skor Chelsea vs real Madrid​




..... ...............

2. Poin: 20 Pertandingan antara Real Madrid vs Barcelona biasa disebut....​


El Clasico adalah pertandingan antara Real Madrid vs Barcelona

3. tolong bantu analisis sepak bola real madrid vs barvelona td malam

barcelona menang melawan real madrid tadi malam dengan skor 7:3.barcelona bermain dengan menyerang alhasil barcelona memenangkan pertandingan tadi malam dengan skor 7:3.
#semoga membantu

4. listening tentang expresi prediction

Listening tentang expresi prediction maksudnya

5. contoh dialog expression prediction dan speculating?

yani: hi,the weather is so bad. it will rainly
bob :yes that is right

cika:how about your raport?
willy:i don't know
cika;i guess your raport will be good.

6. jelaskan tentang meramalkan atau prediction

Prediction adalah suatu kegiatan memprediksi atau memperkirakan suatu objek

maaf kalau salah

7. Contoh dari prediction intention dan arrangement masing-masing dua

Prediction intention:

1. When we win the lottery, we are going to buy a house on the beach side.

2. I am going to give her a chocolate on valentine's day.

Prediction arrangement:

1. I am going to meet with her parents this year.

2. She will be meeting with her friends after this concert end.

8. Cntoh kalimat yang menggunakan kata prediction.

I prediction the weather is bad todayMy mom predection My test score would be good

9. we use to state our prediction?

Kita gunakan untuk menyatakan prediksi kami?

click "thanks" kalo ini membantukami menggunakan prediksi kami

10. Make expressing prediction!​


- I think he was angry because of what you said earlier

- My prediction today Ms. risma doesn't come to class

11. contoh kalimat to express prediction

untuk mengekspresikan prediksi

12. Contoh plan dan prediction

plan          :aku merencanakan akan pulang besok pagi.
prediction:aku memprediksi nanti malam akan turun hujan

Plan          : Merencanakan
Prediction: Memprediksi

WarninG:Itu tinggal translate aja ya bang contohnya ke b.inggris. kalau gak bisa abang translate bilang lah bang biar ku translate oce.....


13. 33. the prediction is ...

Jawabannya D. hypothesis

14. we use to state our prediction

Kita gunakan  untuk menyatakan prediksi kami. Itulah arti dari pertannyaan berikut.Kita gunakan untuk menyatakan prediksi kami

15. Contoh kalimat expression plan dan prediction?

A : hi B ! how are you ?

B : hi A ! i am fine, thanks

A : you look so happy, why ?

B : because we are in holiday ! I always love stay home without a disruption called school

A : me too ? but, are you really going to stay at your home a whole holiday ?

B : no, of course not. My family will go to Tokyo tomorrow night

A : oh really ? you will went to Tokyo ? isn't dangerous if you go to Tokyo at night ?

B : yes, my father told me so, and he also say that the weather prediction tomorrow are good, so there is no obstacle that can prevent us to go there

16. prediction di stiap paragraph(original&changed prediction)singkat² aja semoga ngerti dan bisa bantu jawab ya,terimakasih​


tinggal lihat perubahan prediction


di setiap paragraf passti ada aku langsung katemu

17. Analisa permainan ucl real madrid vs intermilan khusus tim menyerang berdasarkan I,L,U,W


menyerangnya dengan cepat

18. what is prediction ......​

Prediksi merupakan suatu pendapat dengan lebih mengkaji lebih dalam seperti menentukan tiap tiap hal


A predicting or being predicted. The definition of a prediction is a forecast or a prophecy.


May be useful:)

19. contoh dialog expression prediction?

Li: Lou!
Lou: yup?
Li: do you know about Haz and Vi?
Lou: texting? yeah
Li: what do you think? Is he serious with her?
Lou: well, I still can't decide. But I've saw some signs...
Li: will they be a couple?
Lou: I think so. Let's predict the date?
Li: 22!
Lou: nah, I choose 18!
Li: let's just see...
= yup !
=oke !
= are you sure ?
=what do you think about an picture ?

20. contoh kalimat prediction

Maybe tomorrow will be raining l think that hannny will notgo to school

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